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CARAVAN (1946) Movie Press Kit Photo Stewart Granger Jean Kent Anne Crawford
General Condition Note for all Press Kits - please know that these press kits are typically in used condition as they were originally distributed to members of the press - while most of the photos are in near mint condition, some may have some surface impressions, slight marks and other evidence of handling. Some will look in brand new/unused condition. Same goes for the original presentation folder, booklets and any other materials that may be included. However, please know that press kits of this nature are pretty much a thing of the past as studios have adopted cheaper cd-rom press kits as the preferred method of publicity. And in some cases, web-only based press kits. Bottom line - traditional press kits such as these, with 8x10 stills and/or slides are becoming increasingly more scarce as time goes on and as a result, much more collectible and valuable.
Код товара:
До окончания осталось:
1ч 16m 3c
752.00 грн
Примерный вес вещей
Предварительный расчет доставки в Украину
Вид отправки USD Сроки
Продавец: planetofpop
Товар находится в Burbank, California
Рейтинг продаж: 11034
Положительных отзывов: 100
Основные Характеристики
Object Type Press Kit
Original/Reproduction Original
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