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Individual Software - Typing Instructor Bundle - Windows
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2219.00 грн
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Learn to type on an exciting adventure on Typer Island with Toby and his companion Lafitte, or on a World Travel, Time Travel, or Safari adventure. Step-by-step lessons, challenges, tests, and games motivate typists to keep typing to reach the Castle or complete their typing adventure and fill their passport with stamps from each destination. Typists learn to type by choosing one of several age- or skill-appropriate Typing Plans. They can improve their typing skills quickly and see immediate results. There are a variety of ways to practice typing with games, lessons, drills, advanced skill-building lessons and challenges, plus engaging Practice Stories and magazine articles once typists have learned all the keys on the keyboard. Typing games are automatically played with just the keys the typist has learned so far, which is an exclusive feature.

Что включено
Typing Instructor Bundle
Характеристики продукта
Light way for children and adults to learn to type This bundle contains two programs - Typing Instructor® Platinum 21 for Windows and Typing Instructor® for Kids Platinum 5 for Windows. Besides, you get Family License for five users.
New typing leader Typing Instructor Platinum 21 uses the latest technology to provide an educational, entertaining, and motivating experience for beginner, intermediate, and even advanced typists with creative learning themes.
Featuring 20+ Typing Plans Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced typist, Typing Instructor Platinum has professionally designed lessons to meet your learning needs.
Over 100+ professional lessons and tests Typing Instructor Platinum 21 allows you to learn quickly for faster touch-typing and accuracy. Its step-by-step lessons and tests are built from learned letters and words.
Dynamic learning feature Evaluates your typing results to determine weak typing skill areas and to automatically create specific lessons for you.
Multiplay and multilevel games These fun, challenging, entertaining games offer multiple ways to play for typists of all levels.
Award-winning typing program Typing Instructor for Kids Platinum 5 is educational, entertaining, and motivating software. It will teach your kids all keyboarding basics, proper hand positions, speed, and accuracy.
Island adventure theme design Kids visit lands for lessons, challenges, tests, and games. They search for treasures, earn points, and add gold and jewels to their treasure box on their journey to reach the Castle and become the Ruler of Typer Island.
30+ game challenges Make learning to type fun and exciting. Kids can play games in a variety of ways by selecting options from the game settings menu. Arcade-style play and multiple levels make games extremely challenging and enjoyable.
Creative lessons and exercises help kids learn to type Step-by-step typing instructions are provided, including proper posture, finger position, and ergonomic features. Visual guides show finger/key placement.
Charts and feedback Detailed results show kids the keys they know well and the keys that need more practice.
Software Subject Typing
Subscription No
Model Number IND945800F030
System Requirements Microsoft® Windows® 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, or XP
Manufacturer's Warranty - Parts Not available
Product Name Typing Instructor Bundle
Manufacturer's Warranty - Labor Not available
Brand Individual Software
Publisher Individual Software
Operating System Compatibility Windows
Language(s) English
Purchase Rights Family License for 5 users
Compatible Platform(s) Windows
Software Format Physical

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