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Home Security Device and Sensor(s) Install
Код товара:
7063.00 грн
Примерный вес вещей
Предварительный расчет доставки в Украину
Вид отправки USD Сроки
Описание товара

Sit back and let a professional installer set up and mount your smart home security devices, plus show you how to receive notifications and more.

Характеристики продукта
Before we begin When we arrive at your home, we'll discuss the scope of work to ensure that services purchased meet your needs and expectations. If they don't, we'll recommend solutions.
Getting started We'll install and configure applicable software or applications onto your PC or device. Then, we’ll install and configure 1 primary base station or sensor hub and connect it to your home network.
Setting up We’ll install and configure up to 10 smart home status devices, and connect them to your home network. Devices include keypads, entry sensors, motion sensors, key FOBs, sirens, and CO sensors.
We will also install and setup one Indoor/Outdoor Camera included in the security kit.
Installation You choose the locations, and we’ll either place or mount the smart home security devices exactly where you want them.
Giving you an update We’ll perform software and firmware updates as needed on your new devices. We’ll also spend up to 5 minutes showing you how to configure the sensors to receive notifications and status updates.
Final steps We’ll demonstrate how to use the new system and components, and let you know how to contact us for future support. We’ll clean up our work area, answer any questions you may have, and provide solutions as needed.
This service does not include home Wi-Fi setup, hard-wired device installation or wire runs, or DVR setup or configuration. Also not included are camera, door lock, thermostat, smoke detector, or doorbell installation.
*This service does not include monitoring services. You must enroll or register for any monitoring or surveillance services separately.
**Additional charges may be required for land travel beyond installation coverage areas. Service returns cannot be accepted after installation services are completed.
Required for Service Customer supplied security base station or hub and applicable status sensors. An existing and functional network.
Workmanship Warranty We stand behind our services and repairs with a 90-day workmanship warranty.
Product Name Home Security Device and Sensor(s) Install
Brand Geek Squad®
Scope Of Work <B> Home Security Device and Sensor Install </B><BR> Home Security Device and Sensor Install :<BR> <UL> <LI>Setup, install, and configure a smart some security base station </LI> <LI>Install and connect up to 10 sensors status devices; Keypad, motion Sensors, key fob, siren, etc. </LI> <LI>Install and enable app control, if applicable </LI> <LI>Client must enroll or register for any active monitoring services themselves, this is not performed by Geek Squad</LI> </UL>
Estimated Time to Complete Service 40 minutes

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